Friday, June 18, 2010


Last Sunday, I called my dad and wished him a happy father's day.  Oops, wrong Sunday.  Father's Day in Brazil is in August, and I got a little ahead of myself!

I am especially grateful for three dads in my life.  My dad, my father-in-law, and my husband.  I thought about trying to write something about each one, but then I began to think about what I appreciate most about each one.  The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it is the same thing in each one.


Integrity, to me, means being strong in character.  It means doing the right thing.  It doesn't mean perfection, but it does mean being humble enough to admit when you are wrong and make it right.

I see this quality in all three of these dads in my life.

What a blessing it is to be able to count on them to always do the right thing.  What a comfort it is to know how they are going to respond to a situation.  What peace it gives to not have to worry about anger, or harshness, or condemnation.

Thank you, Daddy, for loving me completely and unconditionally, and for sacrificing so much for me.

Thank you, Gary, for your example of thoughtfulness, for being really fun, and for teaching my husband how to treat his wife like a queen.

Thank you, Kevin, for putting our family first and for being the BEST example to our kids and so many others who are watching you.  Thank you for being my partner in life and in parenting.  You are a solid rock in my life and I am so thankful that I married you.

Happy Father's Day to you all!

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