Monday, June 27, 2011

What have I been doing??

I bet some of you gave up on my blog - I thought about giving up on it, too.  But, I'm hanging in here and trying to get it started up again.

So, what have I been up to?

Well, we moved.  And that seemed like it took forever.  A month before the move packing up everything,  two weeks fixing up the house we moved out of,  and now who knows how long unpacking and fixing up our new apartment.

We welcomed the Aggies for Christ group on the same day that we moved.  They helped us clean up and fix up the house we moved out of and were very forgiving of our boxes and mess while they hung out in our apartment (only 2 of them stayed with us).  Bronwyn's college friends, Stephen and Weston, are also here and are fitting right in as our adopted sons for the summer.

So, I'm anxious to fix up our apartment and show it to our families - and anyone else who reads this blog!

Right now, there are still boxes everywhere, but we are making progress.

For starters, just so you know where our apartment is, here is a map that Anderson drew.

As you can see, we are super close to the school.  We are also to our club (like a YMCA) where the kids can get together with their friends and play soccer or goof off.

One day last week, it was nice and sunny and Garrett and Carys were gone all afternoon at the club or school hanging out with their friends.  They came home when it was starting to get dark.  It reminded me of when I was little and would stay out in the neighborhood til dark playing with my friends.  I was really thankful that we live in a place where they can do that, for the first time since we have lived in Brasil.

So, even though things are crazy right now and we don't have everything figured out, we are thankful for our apartment.

Pictures coming soon!


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