Thursday, August 16, 2012

To my guys (day 8)

Dear guys,

Well, "guy time" has officially started.  Has anyone died of starvation yet???

Just kidding, I know Dad is a great cookknows how to cook an egg, knows where McDonalds is.

Today was packing day for us - I should say for "me" because some of us don't do so much in the packing department as others do.  (like blonde, curly-headed, soon-to-be college students...)

Anyway, here is the day in a few pictures:

Ansley is not very excited about packing.  She makes up reasons to stop and eat snacks, go to movies, whatever.  I'm trying to be nice to her because she is kind of nervous about going to college.
Carys was having a snack at around 10:30 this morning.  I wanted to take a picture of her "snack" to show you.  She didn't want me to and grabbed her plate and ran away from me.  Why??? (see next picture)
Why?? Because THIS is what her "snack" was at 10:30 in the morning:
Chicken and mushrooms with rice and half a plate full of baked potatoes.  Some snack!

Here is Ansley's stuff that we had to pack in the car.  We still aren't finished yet, but there are just a few things left for in the morning:

Later in the day, Ansley and I went to eat lunch with Papa and Grandmommy at PeiWei.  It was really good.   We had fortune cookies and took some silly pictures.

After that, Ansley, Carys, Chloe and Grandmommy went to see this movie:
They said it was really good.  

I decided to wait and watch the movie with you guys!  

Well, better get to sleep, we have a long day of traveling tomorrow.

Love you guys!!

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